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Gerald's Message -- Updated 11-26-02
Hi, everybody!!

It sure is amazing how fast time goes by. It's been a few months since we last updated our "what's new" page so there's quite a lot that is new. This semester has gone pretty good for me. My classes are going quite well, and we're almost done! I'm excited for the holidays coming up! This will be our first Christmas together since we've been married. Crazy, huh?We're excited to spend time with our families and start some of our own traditions as well. I really enjoy this time of year, even though it can get pretty cold outside.

I'm still working part-time at my campus job. Last Saturday morning, I had a great opportunity to work a few extra hours. It wasn't here on campus, though. About 10 or 12 guys from the Construction Management program went to a professional large-scale model building place in Springville. We got to help construct the roof pieces that were going on some condominum/business complex. It was really cool to see the whole thing come together and to see the building start to really look good. I learned a lot of great things and got some tips and tricks for making a model look like a real building, instead of just cardboard. This was a really cool model and just to give you an idea of the work that went into this, I'll tell you the dimensions of it. The base of the model was about 15 feet by 12 feet. The building stood about 2 1/2 feet tall and was in a U-shape that had about 9 manageable sections that fit together like a 3-D puzzle. It had lots and lots of windows, pillars, balconies, and intricate details. I really thought it was a good experience and if I build another model, which I most likely will do lots of being an Architect, I'll know some good tricks and really know how to make them look professional.

We've registered for next semester's classes already. I'll be taking Accounting 200, History of Civilization II, Geology 330, Business Management 384 (Ebusiness lectures), New Testament, and the Construction Management seminar. I'll also still be involved in the Men's Chorus, which I really enjoy. We've performed a lot, and we started learning some Christmas music about 2 weeks ago. It seems like we have about 4 more concerts before Christmas. I'll try to keep our concert dates posted on our homepage under important dates.

Anyway, that's just about everything that's going on nowadays in my life. And by the way, married life is still so awesome!

Jennifer's Message - Updated 11-25-2002
Hello everyone! Well, it's been almost an entire semester since I wrote last, and time is whizzing by quickly! This semester has been a very busy one, but a very good one, also. I have learned so much and really enjoyed my classes. It seems so strange to think that next September I will be teaching in an actual classroom!

Married life is STILL bliss! We are approaching our one-year anniversary in January. It seems strange. In some ways I feel like we've been married forever. It's hard to imagine my life before Gerald was a part of it. But at the same time, this year sure has sped by!

We are looking forward to the upcoming break and the holidays! For Thanksgiving we will be going to Mesquite and then to Mesa to spend time with the Thurstons. We are going to stay in Provo for Christmas and be with the Reynolds. The holidays are coming fast, and we are excited for our first Christmas together. We began decorating our little apartment the other day, which was a lot of fun. We don't have room for and we can't afford a tree this year, so we are going to decorate our fica tree! It will be fun, I think. At least there will be a lot of room underneath for presents! ;)

We had our first real snowfall last night. It was beautiful, but cold! We stayed inside and made hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls. It was cozy and nice. Scraping off the car this morning wasn't so nice, however!

I still work at the same office on campus. With that, homework, and church, I'm keeping busy! I still find time for my favorite hobbies, though. I feel like I don't see enough of Gerald, but he tries to spend as much time with me as possible despite his busy schedule! He has had a lot of concerts lately with the end of the semester nearing. He does so well everytime! The Men's Chorus performed an outside Christmas concert last Friday at a Tree-Lighting ceremony at a downtown shopping center. They did so well! They were encored and got more applause than John Schmidt, the famous pianist who followed their act! It was great!

Well, that is about everything I can think of to tell you about my life right now! I love you all! I hope that you are all happy and healthy, and that you have a safe and happy holiday season! I hope I will have the chance to see you all before the end of the year! Happy holidays, and keep in touch!



"The only way to have a friend is to be one." - Emerson