Wedding Pictures!
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There are 3 columns of pictures. Make sure you see them all!

Kissing at the Temple!

A kiss on the hand . . .

In front of the temple

How cute!

On the temple steps

Outside the temple

Gerald & Jennifer

My favorite bridal picture!


The wedding line


The Bridesmaids

Four generations

Reynolds Family

What a handsome man!

Thurston Family

Gerald & Dad

Jennifer & Dad

Gerald & Mom

Jennifer & Mom

Cutting the Cake!

Aren't we cute?

Gerald's favorite! (Sorry it's blurry, I can't figure out how to fix it . . . )

Sweeter than cake . . .

Cute Thurston Girls!

Cute Reynolds Girls!

Handsome boys!

Aren't our nephews adorable?

Just the two of us!

Beautiful flowers